
Thoughts on Thoughts

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil 4:8

So I've been thinking a lot lately.  I mean, I'm always thinking, but lately I've been thinking about what I'm thinking about. 

I've learned in these past couple years that my thoughts can make me anxious.  If Dan doesn't call me back right away, 30 seconds later, before I even know it, I'm envisioning him in some horrible car accident.  Crazy?  Yes.  Unfortunately, my mind goes there, and it goes there way too quickly. 

So how do I not go there?  Well, in Philippians Paul talks about combating anxiousness by praying and allowing the peace of God to guard our hearts and minds.

Then, he advises us to think about certain things: 

Honorable things. 
Just things.
Lovely things. 
Pure things. 
Commendable things.
Excellent things. 
Praiseworthy things.

Ok, so what now.  I tell myself to stop thinking negative things and start thinking about these specific things?

Yes, yes you do.  Why?  Because in verse 9 it says practice these things and the peace of God will be with you.

A question posed in my Bible study, The Upside Down series, encouraged me to think about how my life would be different if I focused on eternity throughout the day.  Let me tell you, my list was long.  Real long. Probably too long.

I wouldn't sweat the small stuff and I would have a big picture.
I'd live for an audience of one and stop people pleasing.
I'd drive slower, eat slower... do everything slower.
I'd pray much more.
I would focus on people more and tasks less. 
etc. etc. etc.

Bottom line: Changing my thinking will change my actions.  What we think about and how we think is extremely powerful.  More powerful than I realized.  And how do I change the way I think?  Practice and discipline, with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Refocusing my mind on what is important, praying for a changed heart, and trusting my actions will follow.  It's amazing how much less stress I put on myself when I refocus on eternity.


  1. Great thoughts. I have the tendency to worry and obsess over things until it drives me nuts, but focusing on the eternal and not the silly things of life helps get rid of that. I needed to be reminded of that today!
