
Prepping for the Fall- with soup :)

So recently I have been obsessed with recipes from the Pioneer Woman.  Not only is her photography amazing, but I am loving her recipes.  I know I'm totally behind the 8 ball.  A couple months ago I asked Becca if she had heard of her, and she was like, uh yeah.  She has like the most well known cooking blog on the internet right now.

My bad. Like I said, sometimes I just jump on the bandwagon late.

Anyway, I decided to try her Italian Chicken Soup recipe.  How could you not after seeing that picture?  Since Dan was sick (and obviously in need of some soup) and, she labeled it easy, I assumed I could make it no problem.  I'll let you follow the actual recipe on her blog ... and just give you my entertaining commentary here below.

First, I chopped up the vegetables. Easy.
Next, I baked my own made homemade bread.  Disregard the Jewel bag that it is in ....
Then, put a WHOLE chicken in boiling chicken broth. This was terrifying for me.  Will it actually cook in there?!  I had no idea.
Next step: when bored because it takes an hour for the chicken to boil and cool, take picture of sick husband sleeping on couch.
Then, saute veggies and a whole lot of oregano in some olive oil.
All right. Whew. Onto the difficult step.  Take the meat off the chicken.  Don't judge me, I've never done this before. So here's the before shot....
ahahaha and the after.  How gross does that look?!  It looks like I totally attacked it with a fork.  And I guess I kind of did.
Then put everything together and it looks like this.  Trust me, in the end it turned out SO good. Definitely a keeper :)
Oh and here's a random fall picture Dan and I took on a walk :) Love Fall.


  1. A) I discovered Pioneer Woman a few months ago, too, so don't feel bad :)
    B) Sometimes she's a little too perfect and Martha Stewarty for me to handle
    C) That soup looks amazing - I might have to try it!
