
Family Time!

So Jon called me this past week and asked if he could drive up and hang out with us for a day!  I was so excited and we had a blast catching up about their wedding highlights, their honeymoon, and life as newlyweds!  And, we were able to exchange pictures, watch football, and take them to some of our favorite restaurants!

Oh, but first, below is a picture of a little interruption we had this weekend.  Someone pulled the fire alarm in our complex.  At 11 at night. And it was RIGHT outside our apartment.  Literally, the one that was pulled was like two feet from our door.  I swear we didn't do it.  And we tried to explain it to the fireman, but I don't think they believed us.  Jon said we looked suspicious.

This was where we went out to eat- taking it back to our roots in downtown A Heights.
Jon and Holly got a new camera like ours s o they have been taking "creative shots."

Jon and I!

I love guacamole. 
So. Much. Food.
This was totally Jon's idea and it turned out to be a fun pic!