
Another beautiful wedding

We had the privilege of attending another beautiful wedding this weekend!  Although we left at 5:15 (thinking that was plenty of time to make a 7pm wedding in the city) we were late.   Ugh. Being late to weddings always makes me anxious, but who knew it would take 2 full hours to get there?  We strolled in around 7:15, and while the bride was already upfront, we heard most of the message and their vows so that  made me happy.  I found out later a lot of people were late, and thankfully it was held in our church's new cathedral in Chicago and the set up was PERFECT for people like us to slip in late unnoticed! Definitely a plus.

The ceremony and reception was beautiful- Lindsey has a record deal and is a talented musician so obviously the music was fabulous, but Dan and I also enjoyed the conversation and amazing meal.  Here's some pictures!
Whew, we made it.
Meredith (one of the bridesmaids) also has a record deal and sang Love Never Fails.  needless to say it's been on repeat for me this weekend! 

Getting announced as Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mattingly!
They're really cute.  And she was stunning!

I have never had BBQ at a wedding, and after this amazing meal I was kind of wondering why we hadn't picked this for our wedding!  This was Dan's plate... he REALLY enjoyed the food lol
Bible study ladies with the bride!
We were having way too much fun at our table.  
I LOVE the one bridesmaids face in the background.  So great.
Remember their wedding? It was such a treat to sit with them and catch up about married life with them!