Done. It is such a great feeling to be done with finals. Yes I have a couple other papers due for our summer class in a couple weeks, but I can't help but feel a huge weight lifted for right now. This was one of those weeks where we dropped everything to study. The dishes were dirty, dishwasher full, the apartment was a wreck, clothes sat for days needing to be put away and ironed, the bed never got made, etc. For some of you those little things may not be a big deal, but for some reason those little things left undone can be a source of stress for me. I'm working on it :)
Anyway, most of you know I'm a K Love fan. So this morning they were talking about Julie Wolf, a contestant on Survivor (a show I've actually never watched!) who didn't walk away from the show with the million dollars she hoped for, but instead walked away with her salvation.
Julie Wolfe Picture via |
As a follow up to her story, this morning they interviewed a man named Mike Skupin who is a Christian and a former Survivor contestant. It was SO interesting to hear him talk about the show because he said that the Survivor experience is life changing for
a lot of people. It's quiet. You're alone. Your family is not around. You have no phones. No computers. You are stripped of
everything. He said that it is during this time that something happens. You have time to reflect and think about life. Why you exist. What you are living for. What really matters when you take away the distractions. He agreed with Julie by saying many contestants talk about God and faith on the show, but unfortunately that part doesn't get aired because America gives high ratings to shows involving fighting and controversy.
Mike, back in the "real world," said he observes people and what we do with our "extra" time. As if we're not busy enough, the couple minutes that we do have free (like waiting in line, or sitting in traffic) we distract ourselves even more. We check our phone. Check our email. Listen to music. Anything to distract us from letting us just sit and think and reflect.
I couldn't help but find myself yearning to be on Survivor this morning. I sit here knowing cleaning needs to be done, bills need to be paid, papers need to be written, and there are errands I need to run, but for just a second it is nice to imagine the responsibility all stripped away. Am I thankful for the clothes that need to be ironed? Yes. Am I thankful for the food that dirtied those dishes? Of course. But it is tempting to just get away sometimes, isn't it?
Unfortunately we're not all going to be contestants on Survivor. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go over too well if I told Dan I was going to sit and think while he did everything around the apt :) But, Mike's interview this morning just reiterated what I'm hearing in my Bible Study "He Speaks to me"- when we stop and are quiet and just listen, God speaks to us. When Julie, recently divorced and having financial difficulties, went on Survivor and was forced to slow down and think about her life, God spoke to her. I don't need to get the chores done before I can stop and listen. I just need to make the time to do it, and He will show up. I've decided that's what I'm going to do this week. Stop. Sit. Reflect. And wait to hear from God.