
Why running became fun for me again today :)

Dan has come to the realization that we have approximately 20 days left to train for the North Shore half marathon.  What does that mean? I have a running partner again :)

I have to admit, he has not been the only one slacking in training.  I've been running, but definitely not pushing myself like I did last year training for the Indy race.

Maybe it's the rain... even though I really can't use that as an excuse anymore because our new apt complex has a gym... with treadmills... that have televisions to distract me. (in my defense I did run 9 miles on the treadmill last weekend- a total first for me!)

Oooor I could blame it on the move.  It honestly is difficult to find new running paths! I've found some, but they are in the middle of nowhere (see below!) and running in 80 degree weather through fields with no breeze is a *little* bit challenging for me.

Lastly, I think the fact that we ran a marathon has made me think we've got this race in the bag. 13.1? Psh. No big deal.  We did DOUBLE that a couple months ago.  This is going to be a piece of cake.

Those will NOT be the words I will be saying at  mile 12 when I feel like throwing up.

Let's hope we both step up our game these last few weeks of training.  I'll keep you updated.

To remember the momentous occasion of Dan joining me on my long run, I decided to take some pictures :)

We turned around and were ready to head back!

Yes he looks that handsome even mid run :)  There's a reason I'm taking a picture of him and not vice versa.


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