Although this past weekend went by much faster than we would have liked, we had a great time visiting friends and family in Ohio and Indiana! Saturday morning we drove down to Van Wert, Ohio in hopes of getting there early to find a Starbucks... or Panera... or any coffee shop for that matter- so we could get in some studying. Unfortunately the nearest one was 40 minutes east, so we camped out at an Arby's :) Dan and I enjoyed people watching and wondering what it would be like to live in a small town like this- I guess we are more city people than we thought :)
The wedding was beautiful and we got to catch up with SO many college friends. It was definitely a treat. Then, we left the wedding and drove 3 hours to Jon and Holly's house to spend the night and grab breakfast the next morning (and hang out with Rocket)! Sunday consisted of an afternoon writing papers and that has continued into tonight.... in hopes of finishing it by 4:30 tomorrow :)
Here are some pics from our weekend adventures:
Jamie was in the wedding- she looked so pretty! Here she is modeling :) |
I got a special sneak peek of Ella before we went to the reception! |
Had to take a husband and wife shot! |
The happy couple! |
Dan was so happy to get his sandals after leaving them at Jamie's last summer! |
Good times :)
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