Because we jumped the fence.. we ended up with the fast people, so that definitely made us start out faster than we normally do. We trained to do our long runs in 9:45/ 9:30 pace, and we started out around 9:08. Well, when we got to the first mile, our time was off. My watch said it only took us around 9:15 to do the first mile, but according to the race time it took us 10 minutes. I didn't think too much of it until we got to mile 6 and I checked my watch and it thought we had run 6.75 miles when we really had only run 6! This was not good- because it meant we were running slower than we thought we were! Such a bummer. So, we picked up the pace! My hamstrings were killing me by mile 9, but we managed to keep a steady pace to the finish getting 2:14! The best part about it was that I learned I could actually push myself during our race. Hopefully this was good training for the full 26.2 in a couple months!! Overall though, it was a great weekend of seeing the fam and hanging out with friends :) My mom and dad drove in from Ohio and Jon and Holly came and cheered us on! It was so fun for them to be there, and we got to hang out with them which was great. Here are some pictures!!

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. "
I bolded a couple words that really stood out to me to me in this verse because I can't say right now that I am really straining toward holiness- that I am pressing to make time in the Word and allow God to transform my life. I have more of an attitude of "hopefully if I have time I can pray and read today." So, starting tomorrow I hope to wake up early and spend time in the Word. To go into the day with a renewed mind that I am being perfected in holiness through every little happening during my day. So I won't get worn down by the mundane things in life such as cleaning, dishes, and laundry. CS Lewis once said:
"The thing is to rely on God... Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done."
Daily, I have to recommit my life to God. Daily, I have to understand that life is busy and I have to fight for time in the Word. Daily, I need to seek and ask for God to be the all sufficient One in my life.
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