Then, the previous weekend we had a 6th grade sleepover at the church for my girls, and it was SO fun (and very tiring)! Rachael planned this awesome scavenger hunt that involved toilet paper, painting faces, putting puzzles together and lots of other crazy 6th grade things lol Tiff led worship, Melissa was our awesome MC, and Melanie, me and Sarah led sessions on dating, beauty, and spiritual gifts. I haven't uploaded those pictures yet.. so those are to come! THEN, we were in Louisville visiting Paul and Kimi and Josh the weekend before! We went to thunder, this huge party in preparation for the Derby. We also went to their church, Sojourn, which was awesome! You should check it out and their worship: http://sojournchurch.com/
It's been busy.. and now we're headed off to Indianapolis today to run the half marathon on Saturday! I'm sure we'll have plenty more to say about that trip!
Oh, and in other fun news, we decided that we are going to run the Chicago Marathon! Although registration closed, we're going to run it with World Vision because its a great organization to raise money for and we really wanted to run our first (and most likely last) marathon in Chicago :) 10/10/2010
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