Another fun aspect of our summer is going to be looking for a new car! At Trinity I got promoted to the Coordinator of events and guest services and while I enjoy being an admissions counselor, I love event planning and am pretty pumped to start my new position :) Unfortunately, I have to turn in our new 2009 Honda Accord. I can assure you the car we purchase will not be as nice. BUT, if anyone has any advice for finding good cheap cars pllllease let us know! We are on the hunt and have a good solid month of searching before I need a replacement!
Also, this past weekend we had our last Junior High of the year :( Although it is nice to have a break and like I said earlier, Sunday afternoons free. It is really sad because Ed and Val won't be with us next year. They have become such great friends to us and we have grown so much in ministry with them and we are really bummed to see them go. But, so many churches are interested in Ed right now so I'm excited to see where God takes them! Since Ed and Val went to Trinity and have helped in recruiting some students, Val and I got to go to a Cubs game last week!! Here is a picture of us from the game:

And, we had a great end of the year party at Twin Lakes park this past weekend! It is crazy that our little 6th graders are a whole year older!! Here are some pictures from that:

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