
Playing Catch Up

Since we were gone for a couple days and didn't have access to internet (I had used 95% of my data plan with 5 days left in the month!  I will think twice before using my phone as a GPS device driving to West Lafayette).  Anyway, while it was good to be away, there have been some fun things I have enjoyed reading lately so I wanted to share them with you.

Rightfully so, this mom posts pictures almost everyday of her adorable little girl.  And she seriously is one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen. I love that I can enjoy her cuteness but not have to change her diaper.

Recently Campus Crusade for Christ has had a name change and it has caused a LOT of controversy.  I thought John Piper wrote a great post about it, and obviously, because CCC holds a special place in my heart, I wanted to share it with you.

I have officially jumped on the Adele bandwagon.  Yes, I know, I'm rather late.  But K Love keeps me in a music bubble, okay?  This song in particular has been on repeat for me at work.

I adore this skirt.  Most likely I'll buy it on sale- in the fall- and then it will be out of style by next summer, when I can wear it. *sigh*

Recently I have been challenged by Courtney to evaluate what role media plays in my life.  Since Dan and I got rid of cable (and the storm have taken out ALL of our channels.. even the basic ones) I tend to think that I'm ok in the "time waster" department, but the reality is that blogging/ social media stuff can take up a lot of my time.  She has been posting  weekly posts about the media and how we can make sure it doesn't interfere with our walk with the Lord.


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