
It's about time

For Christmas I bought Dan and I a 26.2 bumper sticker.  Dan always joked that the only reason he ran the race was to put that 26.2 sticker on his car.  So naturally, after we ran it, I bought it for him.  Well, I decided once I washed my car I would put it on.  Here we are, August 11, and I still haven't put it up... which means I still haven't washed my car... since December.  

(I really hope my dad isn't reading this- this is definitely not a proud moment for me.  In my defense- car washes cost money and we don't own a home that has a hose.  I'm 100% positive I would have washed it we had access to a hose.  Ok, 95% I would have washed it)

Even though this week I have a ton of things on my mind, for some reason, that bumper sticker popped into my head.  So, this morning, I cleaned the small portion of my window off where I was going to put the sticker (so now 1/150th of my car is clean) and stuck it on.

I have to admit- driving to work this morning I felt a little self conscious about it.  I feel like I'm not worthy to have it on my car.  Yes, we ran a marathon- but that's the thing- we ran ONE marathon.  We're not marathoners... I don't even know if I'll ever run another one.  For some reason, I feel like if I ran 3 marathons I could justify the sticker.  Dan and I are "13.1 bumper sticker worthy" because we've ran 3 of them.  But a 26.2 sticker?  I don't know.  I just don't know if we can justify it.  I think we may be judged.  I kind of feel like I'm living a lie, like those who have run lots of marathons are scoffing at us saying "you've run ONE marathon?!"

  But, the damage is done.  It's up.

So, if you see a red Hyundai Tuscon on the road in the Northern western suburbs of Chicago with a Miami University license plate, a bright pink sticker with the letter "T" on it (for Trinity) in the left corner of my mirror, and a 26.2 sticker on the right corner, that's me.  And I'm already going to apologize if I cut you off... or if I was riding you because you were going slow in the left lane.  Sometimes I get close to cars and Dan has to yell at me. 


  1. heheh this made me giggle. and I understand being hesitant but for reals Stef-ohnie Cin-a-dre? You should be proud of that 26.2 mi sticker! Who cares if others have run 3+ marathons, regular folks like me who can barely run 1 mi look up to you :)
