There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for my job. Why? Well, there are lots of reasons, but today I am particularly thankful because we get an enormous amount of PTO. Which usually means it's really quiet in the office in June because in July, we start our new "PTO calendar." So, today is one of those days where I am taking the day off... well just because :)
Annnd, what makes it even better is that Dan is working from home! (they rearranged things at Kraft so Dan doesn't really have an "office" anymore, which means he gets to work from home more) So, we're chillin' at Panera. I'm reading for our summer class and blogging, and he's hard at work. He seriously has to set boundaries for me because I tend to think that because we're together that he's taking the day off, too. But sadly he's not. So I'm trying hard not to bother him :)
Anyway, we just wrapped up our summer Bible study at my church where we're going through Priscilla Shirer's Bible study
"He Speaks to Me." We have one more week of study left and today's was on trials. While I can't say I'm going through a big trial, I learned some really neat things about trials

First, did you know that trial in the Greek is called
peirasmos which means
"experiment?" This really changed how I tend to view trials. I have to be honest with you, when anything challenging comes my way, my first tendency is to
avoid it. My first thought is literally: How can I pretend like this isn't happening? Obviously, that's not healthy, but unfortunately it's my first reaction. How could viewing the challenges in my life as an experiment specifically ordained from God to test my character change how I respond to trails in my life?
Secondly, Priscilla mentioned that
"we must learn to see challenges as spiritual exercises designed to make us stronger." When a challenge comes up it isn't surprising God. No matter how little or big it is. In fact, He let it happen so there's a reason for it in my life. By naturally avoiding it, I'm missing out on an opportunity to grow in my relationship with the Lord. That is definitely something I do not want to miss out on.
Anyway, I hope that encourages you a little today. Probably nothing too new for some of you, but it was what I needed to hear today.
Have a wonderful weekend :)