
More updates from Nashville

We took so many pictures it was difficult to sort through them all, but I tried to include a little bit of everything we did :)

The captions will tell the story.
This was the picture we were taking (I took pics from my phone in the previous post of Michael W. Smith.  I'm in the purple on the right & Dan's in the blue and white polo.. can you see us?!)
First stop: downtown Franklin, TN.  It was such a cute town.  I saw this fire station and had to take a quick picture of all their gear lined up.  Franklin is where a lot of country, Christian, and just in general stars live.  For instance, we saw Dave Ramsey's home- huge home- which he paid cash for.  Crazy.
Making Dan stand by the Franklin sign.
Making Dan show off his cool Michael W. Smith name tag
Next stop: Rocketown.  This is a place/ program Michael W. Smith founded for kids in the community.
They had this fun skate park inside

This was the dance studio.  Can you see us in the mirror?
Got to see Smitty perform!

The next day we had a morning session and then got to tour downtown Nashville.  Dan took this pic for his bro, Jeff.

Downtown!  It. was. so. hot.

We went to this really good BBQ place.  The restaurant was open upstairs!  Still didn't cool us down too much, though.

They created a replica of the Parthenon at this cute park near the city!  It was huge!

We had way too much fun taking pictures by these pillars.  Too many to put here lol
That night we went to Michael's farm!  Theses were to help cool us down lol

Waiting in line for the hot air balloon ride!  Note - we waited in line for close to 2 hours and after about 1.5 hours, the staff said they had to cut the line off because it was so hot they were using more propane gas than planned!  And, he looked right at me and said the line was cut off at me!  I felt SO bad for everyone behind us who waited in that line -dripping sweat- for the 1.5 hours... but I was definitely thankful we got to go!

We were the last ride of the night!
View of the tent from the balloon!

This is me absolutely terrified haha.  Dan told me I looked ridiculous in this picture so obviously I had to post it.  I thought my life was about to end any second.

Matthew West stopped by!  So sad this is blurry :/  In my previous post I showed you the stalkerish pictures I took of him.


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