
Nursery Update

These past couple weeks we have been putting a lot of finishing touches on the "nursery" in our bedroom.  I personally am very thankful that we are pretty much done- I can't imagine still trying to put the last finishing touches to it this week!  Other than getting a diaper pale, that is the only *needed* item before the baby arrives. (which technically could be any day.. but we don't have high hopes for his/ her arrival anytime soon!)

I did have my doctors appointment on Friday and I am one centimeter dialated- woo hoo! lol  I know in the labor and delivery realm that is pretty much nothing, but it's a start, right?!  Oh, and in other fun news we have had probably close to 5 people in the past week ask if we're having a boy.. maybe that's a sign?!  And, a kid in the McDonald's parking lot asked what we were naming our baby and I told him (well lied technically..) that we didn't know yet (I didn't really think he was that interested lol) and he said that we should name him Jake if it's a boy- which is CRAZY because that is the boy's name we have picked out!  Coincidence? Not sure.. we'll find out soon though!

Oh Ikea directions.. not the easiest to understand.  Thankful for Dan who spent a long time putting our baby's dresser together!

Making room for the baby!

We used the corner by our bed to stash some extra stuff :)


  1. For what it's worth, I have felt like your baby was a boy from the beginning.

  2. Ahh! So exciting. Your little area for baby is SO adorable! Haha and that's so crazy about the name!!
    I have felt like you were having a boy too!!!!
    I've been feeling very well... it makes me think this baby is neverrr going to come! Ha

  3. Very cute! Great use of space in one room!
