
Another weekend down south

This past weekend we spent in Texas visiting with Dan's family!  Beth has recently gotten accepted in the Masters Program at Miami University and will be moving to Ohio soon, so we wanted to check out the new place where she works (another big cat sancurary).  Don't worry, I didn't take quite as many pictures as last time, and really it was for various reasons.

1. All the animals were double caged  so trying to take pictures through two cages was much more difficult than I anticipated.
2. The first cage we walked up to a tiger started growling at us and then not even a second later jumped out of its cage and let out the loudest roar ever, causing people to page Beth to make sure everything was ok.  I was terrified and thankful my water didn't break.
3. Combine 85 degree weather with a pregnant lady wearing maternity jeans (I refuse to buy more maternity clothes for the warm weather!) and I was getting a little toasty.  So pictures were minimal compared to 150 I took last time.  However we managed to take a few :)

We also took the trip to Texas because a couple weeks ago we found out some more news regarding Dan's mom.  If you could also continue to keep Dan's mom in your prayers we would so appreciate it.  I know I mentioned a couple months ago that she was going through radiation, and they recently found more cancer in her liver and she is starting chemo in the next week.  Please not only pray that she would be healed but also that they would experience God's comfort during this time.  We love them so much and it was so great to be able to talk and spend time with them since we don't get to see them very often living so far away :)

Here's a little view of our weekend:

They have little memorials set up for the ones that passed away :) So sweet.

We learned this lesson the hard way

Beth was special and could go inside :)

Their poor ears were bitten up because of all the flies.  Beth was trying to get them off.

Have a lovely weekend :)


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