
Telling the family

Next came the really fun part: telling our family.  I didn't want to say anything until after our 8 week appointment, but it turned out that we were going to see my mom, dad, and Jon and Holly during a trip to West Lafayette when we were about 10 weeks- perfect timing!  So, we took a couple pictures (the ones in the previous blog post) and put it in this frame below:


We wrapped it up and headed to Indiana.  Unfortunately, we got the call that my dad couldn't make it because he had a work trip come up last minute, but we knew we wouldn't see them in person until Thanksgiving so we decided to give it to my mom anyway.  We got in around 11:15 at night, sat down and caught up for a while.  Then, Dan gave me "the look" and I got the gift.  I handed the bag to my mom and she obviously looked confused.  Unless it's a birthday or Christmas, you don't really get "unexpected" gifts in my family.  I told her that we found something that we thought would be perfect for them, and I was really sad dad couldn't be here because I thought he would like it, too.  Jon and Holly were in the other room getting drinks when my mom opened it, and needless to say, after the screaming, they came running in the room.  My mom's response was by far the best.  She was SO shocked and started running around the room- it was great! We told Jon and Holly and they were obviously excited, too, and then we called Doug in California and my dad.  Needless to say, it was a long and fun night :)

Then, we had to tell Dan's parents.  Seeing as they were all the way in Texas, we had to send them the frame.  That next week, we took it to the post office and I spent the extra 38 cents to get a tracker.  Its estimated arrival was Friday of that week, and Dan and I probably checked it twice a day until Friday.  On Friday, we saw that it had arrived at 10:38 in the morning.  Any time we expected the exciting phone call!  I told Dan not to tell his parents anything- he was thinking about warning them but I wanted it to be a complete surprise!  Well, at about 4:30 that day, when Dan was on his way home, he still hadn't gotten a call.  We were a little worried that something happened to it so Dan texted his mom:

Dan:"Did you get the mail today?" After what seemed like 10 hours but was really 5 minutes she texted back.
Dan's mom: "Nope, not yet. Why?"
Dan:"Go get the mail, we sent something to you!"

Well, we got a phone call a couple minutes later, and then another 15 minutes later when Dan's dad got home.  They were SO excited and already planning on what they could get from Babies R' Us (Did I mention that Dan's dad works for Toys R' Us?!).  Then, we called Dan's brother and sister.  Dan's brother, Jeff, was also pretty entertaining.  He was in the middle of a 2 month long road trip and after catching up with him for about a half an hour on all the places he had been, Dan put the phone on speaker and said, "Well hey Jeff, I have something I have to tell you!" IMMEDIATELY he said "No!  No way! No way!!" It was so funny- he totally knew what was coming!

Then, we told the rest of our extended family a couple weeks ago at Thanksgiving.  It has been SO fun sharing the news with everyone! Definitely one of our favorite parts!  Baby Cinadr has a lot of friends and family that are already so excited to meet him/ her!


  1. I am loving these posts! Thanks for sharing all the fun details on here :)

  2. I'm so glad I found your blog!! I am due May 31st! It's so fun finding someone so close in due dates! Eeeek isn't pregnancy so exciting?!?
