
Merry Christmas to Us

There it is in all its glory.  The Keurig.  

Dan and I have wanted one for quite some time- all of our friends have one (ok so two of our friends have one- but we see them a lot) and the thought of just putting in a quick pod in the morning and running out the door sounded wonderful.  Is there something wrong with our current coffee pot?  No.  Would you think there would be something wrong with it by now?  Yes.  We bought it at Wal Mart 3 years ago for $10.. seriously maybe $11.48 with tax.  But, we were ready for a step up. 

I'm not a huge coffee person- by that I mean I don't absolutely need it in the morning, but honestly the work it takes to make it isn't worth it. Pathetic I know. Putting in the filter, measuring out the coffee, then measuring out the water, and then cleaning out everything when you're done....I'm exhausted thinking about it.  That takes time, time that in the end isn't worth it to me.  And really, why do that when you can have a Keurig?  Our thoughts exactly.

Of course, we wanted to wait until it went on sale, and what a perfect time other than Christmas?  So, we benefit in lots of ways. 1) Got it for a good deal. 2) Done Christmas shopping for the both of us (I know it takes the fun out of it.. but we're both SO bogged down with finals that we're really excited to be done :) 3) We get to enjoy coffee up until Christmas.

It's turning out to be a great Christmas already.


  1. Our Keurig is our most used and most LOVED kitchen appliance! Coffee, tea, hot chocolate... you name it. I think we use it 4 times a day haha :) ENJOY! Early Christmas gifts are the best ;)
