Whew. Almost caught up! Sorry to overwhelm you with pregnancy updates- I promise from now on I will write about other things than just babies after I'm done catching you up!
My next appointment was 11 weeks. This was memorable because while my fears had gone down quite a bit, I was still a little anxious to hear the little heartbeat. Dan couldn't make it because of work, so I headed in alone- it was actually on my birthday! The doctor came in, asked me the usual questions, and then started listening for the heart beat. He said sometimes they can't find it, but he assured me that because I was "so skinny" (ha, thanks for the compliment!) that he wouldn't have a problem. Well, after a minute, which seemed to last much longer, he said they would have to do an ultrasound because he couldn't find it.
They sent me back out in the waiting room and I immediately texted Dan to pray. I knew deep down inside either way it was going to be all right. Honestly, I had prayed so much about this baby, and came to the realization that if I didn't deal with my "worry issues" now, I would never deal with it. I'm sure once I have the baby, a whole new set of fears is going to pop up. So, after much prayer and time with God, I was slowly able to give God control of my pregnancy and fears. He formed this child and knew the day His child ultimately would come home. Now I know why all those "mom devotionals" are about worrying- I feel like this will be something I will be working on for a long time :) I can't say my fears never come up anymore, but it's gotten better. Progress, right?
Anyway, back to the doctors appointment. They call me back into the ultrasound room and I had the same technician from before. She was so sweet and said that she was positive that the baby was just too small and that she would find it. For some reason I was expecting to see a blob like our last appointment, but what popped up on the screen was an actual 3 inch baby! I could make out a head, body, and arm, and when she pressed on my stomach the baby moved its arm over its head! I was so happy! It was actually a blessing in disguise that they didn't hear the heartbeat because I was able to take home more pictures! So, the next week we took our 12 week pictures.
I actually think I'm getting pretty "big" here lol |
It's an actual baby! |
Yay! |
I have no idea what we were actually doing here, but Dan looked really funny so I had to put it up |
We took this picture at Thanksgiving after we showed my grandma :) Here we are 14 weeks! |
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