Thanks for bearing with me on my little blog break. I actually didn't know what last week would bring me. I thought maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be too busy and would have time to get on here and say hello, but as it usually is when we're traveling, our time is not our own. I really can't complain, it was wonderful and I'll update you on that later :)
For now, I turn to 2012. Holy cow where did 2011 go? This year consisted of a lot of new things for us, and I have a feeling that 2012 is not going to be much different. But to be honest with you, I'm a little scared. There's a lot of decisions that need to be made and changes that are going to be coming up, and when I sit down and think about it all, it's overwhelming. We knew these decisions would be coming, but it was always "in the future." Turns out the future is here.
With that being said, we feel really blessed. God has brought us here, and He will lead us to where He wants us in 2012. Although I'm scared, I'm a little bit excited, too. Today I was
reading a blog that will probably soon be one of my favorites, and she quoted A. W. Tozer:
“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity when we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.” -A.W. Tozer
I hear things like that and say "Yes, Lord, that is exactly what I desire. To look back and see you all over the path we took- to look back and see exactly where you showed up because Dan and I couldn't do it on our own," but when push comes to shove can I actually take a step of faith like that? I sure hope so.
So, here's to 2012, and here's a look back at all of the blessings we experienced in 2011 :)
Snowpocalypse 2011 |
Girls trip to Indy |
Jon got his MBA! |
We made a big announcement! |
Jon (my bro!) and Holly got married! |
We said goodbye to Pap |
We did our first DIY project |
We conquered the impossible at Brittany and Luke's lakehouse |
We went on a vacation to FL |
Went on our first hot air balloon ride |
Went to Nashville for the first time and saw Michael W. Smith live |
Spent 4th of July with the Fam in Ohio |
Watched Beth's last college softball game |
Went to lots of weddings! |
Officially entered baby season |
Went apple picking! |
Visited Dan's parents in Texas and saw where Beth worked! |
Continued to explore Chicago |
We moved from our first apartment in downtown Arlington Heights! |
Happy New Year!
I'm so excited to see what 2012 brings for you guys!