
Breakfast in Bed

I don't know if you remember my "goals" for the weekend, but I am proud to say that I killed two birds with one stone- breakfast in bed + getting my blueberry fix (recipe to come!).

Things to note for our next breakfast in bed:
1. Coffee tables directly next to our bed would be helpful
2. Trays to put things on would be REALLY helpful (we had no spills, though!)
3. Having more than 20 minutes to eat breakfast would have been ideal (Dan had a meeting to run to)
4. If I had more time I would make sausage biscuits. hmmm I love sausage biscuits. 
5. I really want to do this again :)

aww don't you love our adorable mugs?! Cheesy. I know.
haha this lamb for the baby was sitting on the floor next to me so I told Dan to take a picture of it. He's a good sport.
Yep. all done.


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