

This is what I've been looking at lately:

I have really wanted to make these.  Every time we go to Marianos (our grocery store) they are making them and I get the biggest craving EVER.  This looked like a good recipe.
ummmm how awful would this be if this happened on your wedding day!?  Most brides are just worried about rain...
I love these decorations and the other ones on her site.
How professional and good to these look?  And there's instructions on how to make them :)
Yay for more hair tutorials!
This short description of Heroes Vs. Celebrities was a very good reminder for me seeking to go into ministry. With the large churches we have popping up everywhere, the temptation is HUGE to lean in one direction.

Good quote by Tim Keller on this blog for those who struggle with people pleasing.

Great insight on not wasting the trial you might be enduring.

I DESPERATELY need to read this book. And take notes. Lots of notes.

This has been SO addicting lately.

Lastly, I have all the ingredients to make this.. I just need to sit down and DO IT.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing about my blog in this post. Grace - and His peace - to you.

  2. Hey friend! I see you love pumpkin spice lattes as well! That recipe you posted looks GREAT (i think i'll try it on a special day!) but if you're looking for something you can keep in the fridge and make a quick one, I've been making syrup to store in my fridge!

    Here's the recipe on my blog: http://www.simplysemplicita.com/2010/11/magic-of-red-cups.html

    Hope you're doing well! xx
