
Hello midterms

Things have gotten pretty quiet around here.  We just got back from our trip to Cincinnati on Sunday night (more on that later) and the studying began.  See, I'm not a history buff, so taking a midterm on Christian History is slightly terrifying for me.  While other people (... Dan ...) can read through notes once and take everything in, I have to read the notes probably close to a 100 times before it all sinks in.  

And, since I can't just sit around for hours and study, I decided to multi task in between.  Yes, it was quite the Monday in the Cinadr apartment.  Scroll below to see my exciting adventures. 

What I stared at for houuurs.
What I hoped to do in between studying... Ironing is never ending around here..
Planning our groceries.. but not making it to the store
Went on a run to give my mind a break..
Was sad to notice that the pool was officially closed :(  Even though the last time we used it was probably in July...
And when Dan came home we went straight to Panera.  (Let's just say he was tired and sick and not in a picture taking mode because he had a lot of studying to do, too haha)


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