

I've realized something this past weekend- I'm busy.  Yes, I've talked about this a lot, but this past weekend it really hit me that I need to keep the main things the main things in my life- and right now with ministry in full gear and quizzes, tests, and papers popping up EVERYWHERE on my syllabus, I've come to realize some sad news: I probably will not be able to blog as much.  Obviously this saddens me because I don't have any less things to post about, just not as much time to post like I did when the wonderful, restful days of summer were here.

So, I'm going to try to post as often as I can- some weeks it may be every day, but others, maybe only a couple.  I just decided I needed to give myself the flexibility and not feel "pressured" to have something posted every day.  I know you would all be heart broken and confused if I wasn't posting daily anymore, so I wanted to give you a heads up :)

  For the most part I think I'm writing to the non existent internet world (and trust me, I'm ok with that- if anyone's taken a look at my followers recently, you would probably have figured out that I'm not writing because of the demand I get from a lot of people).  But, occasionally someone tells me they were really blessed by something I wrote, or just enjoy keeping up with our life through this blog, and it makes me really happy.  So thanks for reading.  It really makes my day when you guys tell me those things, because I don't expect it at all :)


  1. I totally feel ya about the "writing to a non existent internet world" haha! But honestly, one of my favorite parts of having a blog is being able to look back on the posts I wrote and have sort of a digital scrap book of our life :)

    And even though people don't comment, doesn't mean they aren't reading! I love reading your posts about books you are reading and spiritual insights and I am always inspired by them!

  2. You're the first blog on my google reader :)

  3. I love reading your blog! :) These photos are lovely! I hope everything with school goes well!
