
Why God Delays

There are multiple times throughout my week when I ask God why it seems like He is delaying on ....

answering a friend's prayer request about cancer, or their job situation, or their desire to start a family, or find a spouse...or answering our prayer requests regarding ministry, jobs, future, paying off debt ....

So, that's why when I passed through these old sermon notes titled "Why God Delays," they caught my eye.  Pastor James says that:
Before deliverance,
circumstances must deteriorate 
(for a greater victory) 
When we say that everything about our circumstances told us it was not going to happen, yet it happens, there isn't a question of where it came from.  God gets all the glory.

Before deliverance,
doubts must cease 
(for greater confidence)
Our doubts have to be torn down so we trust 100% in God.  There is no question who our hope is in.

Before deliverance 
truth must prevail 
(for a greater awareness) 
Deliverance delays so that our depravity and sinfulness can be displayed (for us to see!).
We ask for one more night with our sin... with our bitterness... with our addition... one more night desiring something we shouldn't, and we realize that one more night didn't satisfy.  We become aware of whose help we need.

Before deliverance 
hearts must surrender 
(for a greater finality)
We come to a point where we tell God we're done trying.  He is in control and we are not.  
It's a good and much better place to be.


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