I know it has been a while- but life has been crazy. From getting back from vacation, to my mom visiting, to moving, to Sneak Preview- life has been pretty hectic in the Cinadr household! We "moved" everything this past week but have SO much more to do before we're done! After we get everything put away I'll post more pics of our new place! We're excited- it doesn't *quite* feel like home yet but I'm sure it will once we stop living in boxes :)
In other news we have officially signed up to run our next half marathon in June! ahh I am supposed to run 6 miles this week and am SO not in shape to do this. We'll see how that goes! Also, we signed up to go to the
gospel coalition in downtown Chicago! We went two years ago and really enjoyed it. My awesome boss got us a great deal and we both are able to take some time off from work- and that is NEXT Tuesday through Thursday- sooo we'll probably have another busy week coming up here soon. This Friday we're going to head to Ohio to watch Dan's sister, Beth, and her softball team at Kent State. It's not even the summer yet and we're already traveling! So, it's been a little crazy around here, but once our apartment is in order I think everything will calm down a lot :)
I was telling my co worker, Ashley, how I really thought I would take so many "fun" pictures of us moving. Ha, that cracks me up just thinking about it. We were SO busy all day and I was so exhausted and sore I'm surprised I took ANY pictures. So here are a couple quick shots I managed to take:
Our first bedroom :( |
Our first kitchen :( |
Our first apt :( |
Unpacking at our new place... |
In our new apt!! Dan getting the Internet hooked up lol |
Our new clean and organized bedroom lol
Have a wonderful weekend!
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