
Getting through the weekend

By now you probably know I love to organize- and I realized this weekend that I can actually get so caught up in organizing and details that I sometimes forget to eat- which trust me- that is a BIG deal for those of you who know me :)  I am so thankful for the way God created Dan because he is the complete opposite- which definitely slows me down during times like this in our life!

But, moving into our new apartment has not been easy- it's almost like a jigsaw puzzle- trying to fit all of our things in new storage areas and trying to be creative when it comes to the space we have.  And after we FINALLY found the perfect place in our new apartment for all of our stuff- this morning as we were getting ready the rod and shelf that was holding our clothes and storage broke off the wall in our closet and all our stuff came falling on the floor..  *sigh* that's what I'll be working on tonight lol

But, at times like this I look around me and there is so much to do I don't know where to start so I just go- go- go without stopping to think about what is the most important thing for me to be doing with my time.  People can get neglected and more importantly my relationship with God can be neglected because I think that unpacking boxes and putting up decorations is more important than that.  Since God knew this, He had me in Luke 21:34 this past weekend which says:  

34"But watch yourselves lest  your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap.

Another translation says "anxieties of this life"- and this was exactly what I needed to hear: slow down and remember what is important.  Even when I'm moving, or studying for a test, or busy at work, or traveling, I need to be careful to evaluate what is weighing my heart down and more importantly - if my heart is weighed down because I'm placing "anxieties of this life" above God and what He places as important in my life.  This scripture is totally what I needed to start off the week :)


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