I was completely thrown off guard when I walked into Bible study on Tuesday night and saw our table decorated with nice cloth napkins, pink and blue flowers, amazing food, and gifts! Don't get me wrong, we bring snacks every week to Bible study, but the second I saw how nicely our table looked with all the baked goods, I knew something was up. Chrissy made some amazing food (all Pinterest finds that were sooo good- she has been noticing my lemon cravings :) Much better than the chips and guac that I picked up from Chipotle the week before!!
Anyway, they were SO sweet and we spent the Bible study eating and opening gifts. I was just totally blown away by their generosity and secret planning. Opening all of those cute baby gifts got me even more excited to meet this little boy / girl! I felt so loved :) Here are some (blurry) pictures from my phone. Let's just say the lighting is not the best in Cornerstone Cafe.. where we have our Bible study on Tuesdays.
The decorations and food! |
More amazing food |
All the ladies in our study :) |
One more shot with Lina, our Women's Ministry director, in it! |
Pretty flowers |
Isn't this bottle so cute?! I love the little blue holder :) |
Oh, and this picture was taken after our ultrasound. Since our baby cooperated so well I decided to treat it to a McDonald's sundae :) |
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