
28 weeks... we have entered the 3rd Trimester

Welcome to our "Hello you've entered the 3rd Trimester" photo shoot.  Depending on what websites/ books you look at our baby is about 2.5 pounds and 16 inches long! It is definitely getting crowded in there, and at times the kicks are pretty intense. I swear the other day when I had my arms folded across my stomach I felt an elbow move.. either that or it was some other pointy bone. 

The only "not so fun update" is that my doctor told me I should stop running :(  I have been feeling some pain in my lower stomach and he said my stomach is putting a lot of strain on those muscles when I run so I need to do some lower intense workouts like the bike.  I say this as a "not so fun update" knowing that some women are on bed rest for their third trimester, so trust me, I am VERY thankful that I can still move around my normal activities at this point let alone exercise!  I think in my mind I thought I would be one of those women who could run until the end.  Oh well.     

That's pretty much it for the pregnancy updates .... so, here are our 28 week photos!

Do you see that huge mark in the middle of my stomach? I definitely spilled eggs & hot sauce on my stomach that morning when I was eating breakfast.  And I didn't realize it wasn't dry until we took these pictures.. oh well! 

This is me covering up the stain on my stomach!


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