I know I'm not a parent so I can't *completely* relate to this video. But I thought it was funny nonetheless :) Happy Tuesday!
Sick ugh
This pretty much sums up my weekend unfortunately :/ I was just thinking the other day about how thankful I was that I hadn't gotten sick yet this winter! Oh well, I took a four and a half hour "nap" today so hopefully that helps :)
CJ Mahaney is always pushing me toward a spirit of humility. His quote by Spurgeon here was a great reminder of who I truly am.
With Valentine's day I have heard some wonderful songs about looove. This song by Matthew West and this song by Andrew Peterson are some of my favorites right now.
Speaking of Valentine's Day, we always look forward to getting our "Miami Merger" Valentine's day Card in the mail. So sweet:
Hope you had a great weekend!
This past week I was SO thankful to be able to run on the sidewalks around my neighborhood!! Well, I would say I ran on them about 45% of the time- there were still some mounds of snow at each street corner and huge puddles that I avoided because of the melting snow, but the fact that the sidewalks weren't covered in ice was so wonderful :) I know, with the warm 40 degree weather we're having you would think that would be on the top of my list, and it definitely is, but I honestly have missed sidewalks.
This is the first winter I really committed to running a couple times a week and it was definitely an experience. For the most part I would say I have enjoyed my runs, minus the two times I completely wiped out. Ok, really only one of them was a total, full frontal, snow covering my whole body wipe out (which was witnessed by a lady walking her dog at 6 am), the kind of fall that is just so good you can only hope someone else saw it happen. I don't know if it was my shoes but I had WAY more close calls this winter than I ever have before.
Here are some other things I learned :)
2. Don't run on the sidewalks. After my first fall on a slick, un-shoveled sidewalk I learned my lesson. There is just way too much ice and let's face it- nobody here in Chicago wants to shovel their driveway let alone their sidewalk. I did commend the few and the proud who had clear sidewalks in front of their home. For the rest of you - I don't blame you - I probably wouldn't take the extra time to shovel my sidewalk either if I owned a home.
3. Since you will be running on the road, smile or give the nod when cars have to swerve to avoid you or even better (my favorite moments) when cars have to stop and wait for another car to pass them while they swerve to go around you. I've only gotten mean glares and honked at twice.
4. Definitely wear something white or light colored (some runners even carried flashlights or had a light strapped to their forehead- I view those runners as extremely dedicated or they probably had a couple close calls with a car). Since the sun shines for about 3 hours here during Chicago winters, if you work any normal 9-5 hours you are going to be running in the dark. I had to get used to this real quickly when November hit!
5. I would like to talk to and commend people who can do "long runs" in the winter. I seriously could barely finish 4 miles sometimes because I would be THAT cold. I feel like the longer I ran (which meant past 3 miles) the more I would sweat, which would make me even colder. I definitely cut myself some slack on running the long runs- the only problem is that now I'm a little nervous to do anything over 6 miles if I start training again....
6. I almost never timed myself. With all the layers of clothes and the times I had to go really slow so I wouldn't slip and fall, it was just depressing afterward to see how long it took. Although, I knew it was a pretty bad run when I finished and wasn't even breathing hard- at those times I wished I timed myself just to see how slow I actually went or if walking would have been a better work out! Anyway, I would just be encouraged that you got outside to run in the freezing weather :)
7. Sign up for a race in early May! We did this last year and it was super helpful for getting me back on a running schedule. I definitely need to take my advice in this area this year ... we have no races on the horizon yet. (even though Dan is pressuring me to sign up for the 2011 Chicago Marathon which I am not crazy enough to commit to yet.)
8. I learned that I have to do laundry MUCH more when I'm running in the winter. When you're wearing five layers per run that makes the laundry basket fill up reeeeaal quickly. With that being said, I've learned that you can re - wear some of those layers because I don't sweat nearly as much as I do when it's 80 degrees! Don't judge.
9. I can honestly say that I have never thought to invest in sunglasses while running - until this winter! Now, this only happened on Saturday or Sunday runs when I could actually run when the sun was out, but when that sun is shining against the bright, white snow, my eyes start watering so much that the tears freeze against my face. Not fun.
10. Lastly, I have learned that unless it is sunny and above 40 degrees outside, I will not have the desire to run. Do you ever have one of those moments where you're sitting inside and you think "I just really want to go on a run!" Well, when it's 20, dark, and snowing, I can honestly say I have yet to have one of those moments. But, I would say, like training for the marathon, this winter of running has shown me that it is possible to train all year round. It may not be as fun as running when it's beautiful outside, but it is possible.
I'll keep you updated if I have any other worthy wipe out experiences to share :)
This is the first winter I really committed to running a couple times a week and it was definitely an experience. For the most part I would say I have enjoyed my runs, minus the two times I completely wiped out. Ok, really only one of them was a total, full frontal, snow covering my whole body wipe out (which was witnessed by a lady walking her dog at 6 am), the kind of fall that is just so good you can only hope someone else saw it happen. I don't know if it was my shoes but I had WAY more close calls this winter than I ever have before.
Here are some other things I learned :)
- If you are going to run in 20 degree weather or below (esssspecially with Chicago wind) invest in one of these:
I am sure you're already laughing at the thought of me running around in one of these. And it's ok, I would, too. But seriously, this kept me SO warm! Thank you Daniel for breaking our Christmas budget and getting me one of these "I look like I'm going to break into your house face warmers" :)
3. Since you will be running on the road, smile or give the nod when cars have to swerve to avoid you or even better (my favorite moments) when cars have to stop and wait for another car to pass them while they swerve to go around you. I've only gotten mean glares and honked at twice.
4. Definitely wear something white or light colored (some runners even carried flashlights or had a light strapped to their forehead- I view those runners as extremely dedicated or they probably had a couple close calls with a car). Since the sun shines for about 3 hours here during Chicago winters, if you work any normal 9-5 hours you are going to be running in the dark. I had to get used to this real quickly when November hit!
5. I would like to talk to and commend people who can do "long runs" in the winter. I seriously could barely finish 4 miles sometimes because I would be THAT cold. I feel like the longer I ran (which meant past 3 miles) the more I would sweat, which would make me even colder. I definitely cut myself some slack on running the long runs- the only problem is that now I'm a little nervous to do anything over 6 miles if I start training again....
6. I almost never timed myself. With all the layers of clothes and the times I had to go really slow so I wouldn't slip and fall, it was just depressing afterward to see how long it took. Although, I knew it was a pretty bad run when I finished and wasn't even breathing hard- at those times I wished I timed myself just to see how slow I actually went or if walking would have been a better work out! Anyway, I would just be encouraged that you got outside to run in the freezing weather :)
7. Sign up for a race in early May! We did this last year and it was super helpful for getting me back on a running schedule. I definitely need to take my advice in this area this year ... we have no races on the horizon yet. (even though Dan is pressuring me to sign up for the 2011 Chicago Marathon which I am not crazy enough to commit to yet.)
8. I learned that I have to do laundry MUCH more when I'm running in the winter. When you're wearing five layers per run that makes the laundry basket fill up reeeeaal quickly. With that being said, I've learned that you can re - wear some of those layers because I don't sweat nearly as much as I do when it's 80 degrees! Don't judge.
9. I can honestly say that I have never thought to invest in sunglasses while running - until this winter! Now, this only happened on Saturday or Sunday runs when I could actually run when the sun was out, but when that sun is shining against the bright, white snow, my eyes start watering so much that the tears freeze against my face. Not fun.
10. Lastly, I have learned that unless it is sunny and above 40 degrees outside, I will not have the desire to run. Do you ever have one of those moments where you're sitting inside and you think "I just really want to go on a run!" Well, when it's 20, dark, and snowing, I can honestly say I have yet to have one of those moments. But, I would say, like training for the marathon, this winter of running has shown me that it is possible to train all year round. It may not be as fun as running when it's beautiful outside, but it is possible.
I'll keep you updated if I have any other worthy wipe out experiences to share :)
Hope in Death
For most people losing their spouse (or really anyone close to them for that matter) would be one of their biggest fears. I know it's mine. For obvious reasons it's important not to dwell and worry about the possibility of those things happening- God will give you the grace, strength, and encouragement you need to face those situations when they come.
It is because of stories like the one shared here that I am so thankful for technology. Thankful that stories like these can be told because they give us hope - showing real people who once graced this earth and are no longer here. Real people who have faced the loss of a loved one and are living to tell their story and the impact they had on their life. Real people just like us who had one of their worst fears come true, and God is giving them the strength to move on with life. I hope this gives you some inspiration tonight.
It is because of stories like the one shared here that I am so thankful for technology. Thankful that stories like these can be told because they give us hope - showing real people who once graced this earth and are no longer here. Real people who have faced the loss of a loved one and are living to tell their story and the impact they had on their life. Real people just like us who had one of their worst fears come true, and God is giving them the strength to move on with life. I hope this gives you some inspiration tonight.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I survived my busy work week, thankfully. I wish I could say that this weekend was spent recovering but there wasn't too much of that ... yet (that will be next weekend!). But with that being said, I wouldn't take back anything we did this weekend! Friday I got to meet up with some wonderful girls from a previous Bible Study, Saturday I did have to work but it was putting together a scavenger hunt for a group of Jr. High students so it was "fun work," then Saturday night we were able to catch up with some other friends, Becca and Rachael and their husbands. And, I was able to enjoy the WARM (38 degree) weather during a run on Saturday and Sunday- I actually started sweating. Something I haven't done on a run since the marathon in October lol
When I finally got the energy on Sunday night to pull myself away from the movie "School of Rock" (not because it was good- although I do find Jack Black entertaining at times- but because it was the only thing on t.v. and I was being lazy lol) I decided to try a new recipe. I've made stir fry before, but when Lauren (my friend and mentor in college who is on Staff with Campus Crusade for Christ in Rome) posted this recipe I knew I had to try it! Unfortunately, I couldn't find any peanut oil (which was the whole focus of the recipe!) but I used some peanut sauce and *think* that gave it a similar flavor. Most stir fry's I make a super spicy but this one wasn't, and it was a nice change (especially for Dan lol)- I would definitely recommend it!
As far as Valentine's day goes for us, we are going to move our celebration to next weekend. Dan and I normally don't do much for Valentine's Day- mostly using our tight budget as an excuse. But this year I told Dan I really wanted to do something- we used to do cute, inexpensive things for each other when we dated in high school and college but with school and work, we've both gotten a little lazy in that area of our relationship :) What a better excuse than use Valentine's Day to do something special for each other?! If you're looking for (last minute) ideas, there were some really sweet things posted here :)

As far as Valentine's day goes for us, we are going to move our celebration to next weekend. Dan and I normally don't do much for Valentine's Day- mostly using our tight budget as an excuse. But this year I told Dan I really wanted to do something- we used to do cute, inexpensive things for each other when we dated in high school and college but with school and work, we've both gotten a little lazy in that area of our relationship :) What a better excuse than use Valentine's Day to do something special for each other?! If you're looking for (last minute) ideas, there were some really sweet things posted here :)
Another crazy week...
Remember almost two weeks ago when I said that I get super self absorbed around "Sneak Preview Time" at work? Wellllll, we have another one this Thursday. And there's about 90 students coming. For most of you that number means absolutely nothing, but for me that number is huuuuge. We normally average between 30 and 50 students. So maybe that helps put that into perspective?
Anyway, that means this week is pretty intense. Lots of working. Lots of staring at spreadsheets. Lots of rushed last minute registrations. Lots of pressure. And lots of basically everything :) But, there is something that I LOVE about planning events. The details, watching everything come together, hosting families on campus, the joy of "appearing" like this event is no big deal, when my staff knows how much work went into everything behind the scenes, and the excitement of seeing the entire campus come together to show what God is doing at Trinity. I actually enjoy hearing the speakers talk about the changed lives at Trinity- it's easy for me to get wrapped up in my little detail oriented world and forget the big picture.
But, like I said these are the days when God goes right out the window. I start my day with my mind racing with what I have to do, and that's just about how I end my day! But, this past week as I was reading through Isaiah (a verse Pastor James talked about on Sunday) I found some encouragement for this week. While my "scorched place" may seem trivial to some, it can feel pretty dry when I'm in it. I hope it's an encouragement for you no matter where you're at this week :)
Anyway, that means this week is pretty intense. Lots of working. Lots of staring at spreadsheets. Lots of rushed last minute registrations. Lots of pressure. And lots of basically everything :) But, there is something that I LOVE about planning events. The details, watching everything come together, hosting families on campus, the joy of "appearing" like this event is no big deal, when my staff knows how much work went into everything behind the scenes, and the excitement of seeing the entire campus come together to show what God is doing at Trinity. I actually enjoy hearing the speakers talk about the changed lives at Trinity- it's easy for me to get wrapped up in my little detail oriented world and forget the big picture.
But, like I said these are the days when God goes right out the window. I start my day with my mind racing with what I have to do, and that's just about how I end my day! But, this past week as I was reading through Isaiah (a verse Pastor James talked about on Sunday) I found some encouragement for this week. While my "scorched place" may seem trivial to some, it can feel pretty dry when I'm in it. I hope it's an encouragement for you no matter where you're at this week :)
And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones STRONG;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water
whose waters do not fail.
- Isaiah 58:11
Happy Wednesday :)
Another Book Review :)
Can you tell it's a snow day? 2 blog posts in one day. That's an accomplishment for me :) Anyway, I have been wanting to tell you about another book I read over Christmas break, but haven't gotten around to it. These posts are probably the most time consuming for me to write, so I have been putting them off :) As a side note, today I was reading Job 38 and 39. One of things the Lord has been convicting me of is my pride- hence Mahaney's book "Humility." Let me know if after sitting in those chapters for a while you feel any sense of pride! My favorite verse is actually found in 40:10 where God asks Job if he can: "Adorn (himself) with majesty and dignity; clothe (himself) with glory and splendor?" yep- that would shut me up, too.
Anyway, back to the book review! This actually is another book my boss recommended: "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung. I believe DeYoung has a lot of wisdom on this topic since his church is located near a college where a lot of students are constantly making "big life decisions." And, he's a pretty entertaining writer. He begins by saying there are 2 sides of God's will:

Anyway, back to the book review! This actually is another book my boss recommended: "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung. I believe DeYoung has a lot of wisdom on this topic since his church is located near a college where a lot of students are constantly making "big life decisions." And, he's a pretty entertaining writer. He begins by saying there are 2 sides of God's will:

- "God's will of decree:" what God has ordained. Ephesians 1:11- His plan that won't be thwarted
- "God's will of desire:" what God has commanded- His desires for us recorded in the Bible: Ex. 1 John 2:15
What most people look for is a will of direction- where to live, what job to take, who to marry etc., and God doesn't necessarily have a specific plan for those things that we must discover or else we will be "out of His will." Christians can spend too much time trying to uncover that one, specific plan they think God has for their life, worrying that if they choose the "wrong job" they are doomed for failure. He spells out these reasons why people want to know God's specific will of direction:
- We want to please God
- We are timid
- We are searching for perfect fulfillment in life
- We worry that if we make the wrong decision we will lead unhappy lives (maybe not with every decision.. but hasn't this thought (lie for that matter) crept into your thinking at one point?!)
- We have too many choices
- He has some pretty interesting statistics for this- how many different choices of cereal, homes, etc there are. He also discuses how a 100 years ago there were many less decisions to be made: many young people only had the option of pursuing their parent's profession or had the option to choose between 5 to 10 girls to marry- those that lived in their town. Obviously here in America we are privileged with many choices, but that sometimes can be a burden when we over-spiritualize each decision.
- We are cowardly
- We don't take risks because we are obsessed with safety and security- we want God to show us the future so we don't have to take any risks. But that's not how God wants us to make decisions; He wants us to seek Him and He will speak to us through scripture and transform our hearts and mind.
I think one of the most important pieces of wisdom I gained from his book is that God is most concerned about our sanctification: are we growing in our compassion, joy, faithfulness, love, worship, etc.? God does care about every aspect of our lives, but He cares MOST about the things mentioned above. So DeYoung says if you want to buy a house- God doesn't care if the house has 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms or 3 rooms and 1.5 baths, He wants you to buy a house that makes you holy. What does that mean? I think it means that we need to buy a home that won't put us into debt by spending above our means, one that we can hold with an open hand and use for hospitality, and one that doesn't cause me to be prideful. Beyond that, we are free to make the decision about the deck and the the number of bedrooms.
He offers these three pieces of advice in making decisions: 1) store up God's commands 2) turn your ear to wisdom 3) call out for insight. Basically read the Bible so you know God more- know His thoughts, His ways, His affections and develop a taste for godliness; seek counsel from Godly people, and pray. You can pray for a specific sign- but we need to remember that God doesn't guarantee that He'll tell us the answer in a huge revelation- we won't necessarily get a "peace" or be told in a dream which job to take, but He will give us wisdom to make a decision that is based on faith, hope, and love - not on fear or people pleasing.
There are many other things DeYoung discusses in his book and I would just love to talk about it with you if you read it or have read it! Especially his last section about delaying life and spending your twentysomething in sin rather than finding a job, getting married, and starting a family (you can see his thoughts in the quote below :) Overall, I found a lot of truth and wisdom in DeYoung's book, and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is in the midst of making a big decision.
So finally, here's a taste of DeYoung's writing style and bluntness- I'll end with this quote :)
"Finally, I exhort the men reading this book to pray for wisdom (James 1:5-6), get a job, and get married. And do it sooner rather than later. To do so would be good for your sanctification, good for your purity, good for the church, and good for some godly woman out there who would be your wife, though she's probably already better than you deserve, just like my bride was for me."
Blizzard 2011
So after staying inside basically all day yesterday, and then finding out that my work was closed again today, I made it a point to venture outside for a little bit this morning. I was only outside for about 15 minutes and a layer of ice started to form on my view finder! It's about 4 degrees! But, I was excited to take some pictures of ALL the snow. It's so surreal!
My first glimpse of the snow after walking outside my apt! |
Some of the roads are clear! |
Marge (the nice old woman who sits here all the time) won't be hanging out here for a while! |
Annnnd I reached a dead end |
Can you see the car behind there?! |
They cleared the sidewalks! |
So much snowww |
The snow plow "plowed" in our cars ... since we don't own a shovel it should be interesting getting Dan's car out! |
Tedashii and Snowpacolypse
So the blizzard is officially here. Thankfully we still have power, but I wouldn't be surprised if it we lost it- the wind is going CRAZY outside AND we just saw lighting and thunder- in a snow storm. Unreal. It's actually kind of fun- I got out of work 30 minutes early (even though it took me 1.5 hours to get home!) and Trinity is closed tomorrow which means no class tomorrow night either! Since I already stocked up on groceries (I don't even want to begin to tell you about my grocery shopping experience on Monday night- you would think that the world is coming to an END) Dan and I are going to work from home tomorrow, catch up on reading, and watch movies :) Such an unexpected treat for a Wednesday! Here is some video footage of the storm I took tonight- it's a little hard to see (for some reason it shows up MUCH better straight from my camera than uploaded on here!):
On another note, Dan and I were doing a quiet time together and this song came on our iTunes and we forgot how much we LOVE the lyrics to this song. I'm a total K Love listener so this is definitely not my "style" of music per say, but this is one song I like :)
Stay warm if you're getting hit by the snow storm tonight!!
On another note, Dan and I were doing a quiet time together and this song came on our iTunes and we forgot how much we LOVE the lyrics to this song. I'm a total K Love listener so this is definitely not my "style" of music per say, but this is one song I like :)
Stay warm if you're getting hit by the snow storm tonight!!
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