
Hope in Death

For most people losing their spouse (or really anyone close to them for that matter) would be one of their biggest fears.  I know it's mine.  For obvious reasons it's important not to dwell and worry about the possibility of those things happening- God will give you the grace, strength, and encouragement you need to face those situations when they come. 

It is because of stories like the one shared here that I am so thankful for technology.  Thankful that stories like these can be told because they give us hope - showing real people who once graced this earth and are no longer here.  Real people who have faced the loss of a loved one and are living to tell their story and the impact they had on their life.  Real people just like us who had one of their worst fears come true, and God is giving them the strength to move on with life.  I hope this gives you some inspiration tonight.


  1. Wow... just watched this... and cried. The message of the video and verse in Jeremiah are seeping into my heart, which was much needed tonight. Thanks for sharing.
