This is a late post coming! With us being gone for Mother's day it has been a busy couple days. A couple weeks ago though, we celebrated Rachael's birthday at Andy and Becca's! And we grilled out. And it was SO nice. I LOVE summers for that specific reason: grilling out. And, we found a great steak recipe. (and Andy and Becca bought some really good steaks which obviously helps :) Then, we finished it off with some ice cream and a
lockdown in Arlington Heights. Yes, if you are from around here you would never think to hear those two words together because Arlington Heights is a pretty low key, nice area. However, what makes the story even more hilarious is that the lockdown happened because someone went crazy in our
old apartment in Arlington Heights! Crazy, right?! It made for an eventful night. We wouldn't want it any other way :)
Love you, Rachael!
And these are just some random pictures of Jake... |
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