- Marge- she always greets me every time I come home from work updating me about the status of the weather. And she calls Jewel "U-el" with her German accent.
- Puma- the dog that lives down the hall from us that will run into our apartment if we keep the door open.
- The lady that lives in the apartment complex right across from us- as creepy as it may be, we can totally see into her apartment (especially at night) and I get nervous when I haven't seen her in a while. And I'll miss the fact that her couches are angled in such a way that it looks like she is ALWAYS staring directly into our apartment. Dan and I are used to it, but our guests always think its weird lol
- My running route :(
- The fact that I can walk to Ann Taylor Loft. *sigh* maybe we'll save some money in the process
- Our Panera. We have spent SO many hours studying there and the one guy gives us free drinks. That will be sad.
- Alt Thai. Ok, so I know I can still drive to Alt Thai, but getting take out on my way home was just so wonderful.
- Walking to Red Box across the street.
- Downtown Arlington Heights in the summer- it's just so cute :)
- Not walking to the parking garage to get my car. We will have a FREE spot in front of our apartment. So great.
- Updated kitchen! Yes it may be a little smaller, but I'm looking forward to that :)
- Garbage disposal. My friend Becca and I (they're moving to the complex too- definite bonus!) were getting probably a little too excited about this luxury- but after spending years picking out nasty, soggy, leftover food out of our sinks, this is going to be a dream.
- Having a dishwasher. I cannot wait to throw away our drying rack!
- The ability to let people in our apt via our phone so we don't have to walk downstairs to open the door for people! We're lazy.
- The 15 minute drive to work (as opposed to 30-45 minute drive). Saving time and gas money.
- A workout facility!!! No more running in the winter outside!!!!!!!!
- Tennis courts- Dan and I will totally become pro's now.
- A swimming pool. I can't wait for warm weather!
- No coin laundry!
Happpppy Friday!
I can relate to the garbage disposal thing! Several years ago, my garbage disposal broke in the spring. Although I only had to deal without one for several months, I was so excited when my parents bought me a new one (plus installation) that Christmas. :) Even though there are some things you'll miss about your first apartment, I'm glad you have so much to look forward to, as well!