I am still in awe as I write this post by how generous a family was to us last week. You know how the Bible talks a lot about money and wealth? How it talks about not letting money become your master, or keeping your heart free from the love of money? Or how about when Jesus challenges us to be generous and not hold onto our possessions so tightly? Well, through another's generosity last week I was able to see this truth first hand and it definitely has got me thinking about my heart in this area and I was really challenged to examine how I view "things." It doesn't matter how much money or stuff I have- the Lord challenges all of us to be generous, to open our home to others, to not hold on so tightly to our possessions, and to invest our time and money in things that will last for eternity. While I may not be able to treat anyone to a vacation to Florida anytime soon, Dan and I can work on being generous. Even though we are trying to stick to a strict budget to pay off our debt, we still need to listen to God to see where He may be asking us to give up some of our (well.. more like my) "spending money" for the month or be more generous in our giving. After seeing radical generosity like I did last week, it definitely made me think about what the Lord may be calling us to.
Before my ranting goes on and on, I wanted to tell you a little bit about our vacation. Short story: it was so great. Relaxing, fun, and great to meet some new couples and make new friends. I ran with Brittany (she definitely pushed me- I'm totally ready for a race now!), played tennis, went out to eat, watched movies, watched basketball, had quiet times on the balcony with a great view, were entertained by the guys and their "competitions," took SO many pictures, got to know some pretty interesting people who build sandcastles for a living, and had great conversations about faith and life. It doesn't get much better than that. Here are some pics:
The whole group! |
There were such great sunsets! |
I was forced to knight Dan.... that was weird lol |
compliments of Luke |
Best view ever! |
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