So we officially are parents of a one year old. Crazy. Life a year ago today was so incredibly different. It's amazing how we spend 9 months preparing to bring another life into this world.. and yet the second we got home with Jake I felt unprepared in SO many ways. Yet here we are a year later and we survived. We survived the sleepless nights, figuring out nursing, when/ how to introduce solid foods, crawling, getting on a sleeping schedule, traveling with a baby, still maintaining (somewhat :) of a social life with a baby, and so many other transitions. And in this past year more than ever have I realized what an incredible blessing our baby boy is. Before the miscarriage I spent a lot of time worrying if I was doing things right as a mom. Now I realize what a privilege it is to be Jake's mom and hope to cherish more of the moments rather than worry.
We can't thank our friends and family enough for all the support they've given us this past year. I know we definitely
could have survived without them.. but it would have been much harder and less fun :) They loved our little guy like he was their own and we can't thank them enough for that. Jake is one loved little man in more ways than I think he'll ever understand. And his first birthday was a testimony to that :)
I went with an "vintage airplane" theme. Yes I stole the idea from the internet. You don't think I can actually come up with these ideas on my own, right? |
Opening up some gifts with the fam. |
It was so cute to the kiddos in the "ball pool" lol |
cake time! |
Not sure who was having more fun in the toys.. Lizzy or Luke! |
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