{11 months}
Holy Moly you are going to be 1 soon. It's crazy. But we're having more and more fun with you :) I always thought I would be sad when you weren't a "baby" anymore but I love each stage more and more. Here are some things we LOVE about you this month!
- You absolutely LOVE your little push toy and basically run while pushing it. We secretly think you can walk you just don't do it in front of us.
- You love textures.. when I hit your hand on the wall, panda, or window shades you start cracking up.
- Cords. You love cords.
- You have 7 full teeth and we see the 8th one popping through!
- You are fully weaned and drink whole milk. I am happy about this- not that I disliked nursing, but it is nice to not have to worry about pumping/ finding a private place to feed you/ etc.
- You are eating lots of food now: meatballs, graham crackers, chicken nuggets, grapes, raspberries. Basically you will eat any kind of fruit!
- You still hate the car seat. If anyone would have told me that 11 months from the day we left the hospital you would still scream every time we put you in the car seat I would not have believed them. Unfortunately.. it's the truth
- You really don't like swings or slides. Hopefully you'll warm up to playgrounds..
- You love staring at cars when we go on walks. It's SO nice to get outside.
- Mondays at 8:30 a.m. are the best- that is when the garbage man picks up our trash. You LOVE the garbage trucks and can hear their screeching breaks from 5 houses down. I think it's creepy that we stare at them from our huge window.. but whatever makes you happy :)
- You hug your panda. It's adorable- and hugging for you is basically laying your head on things lol
- The microwave is fascinating. As well as the Keurig machine.
- You love pointing at everything!
- You "say" mamamama and dadadada. At least we have the sounds down :)
- You love it when dad tickles your hand and rubs your face- you fall asleep immediately.
- You actually have started to "watch" and laugh at cartoons.
- I am pretty sure we officially have taught you how to high five!
- You have taken a max of 3 steps on your own walking from one person to the next. Progress, right?!
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