This weekend was a whirlwind of events! My parents and brother and sister and law were in town which was so fun :) We ate outside in downtown Arlington Heights, caught up, played with Jake, and enjoyed the summer weather. Some phone shots of our weekend are below.
The other part of our weekend consisted of some not so fun doctor's appointments for Jake and I :( (Jake had his 2 month shots - it was SO sad to watch... I probably shouldn't have :( They had to give him 3 and they did the first two at the exact same time and the third while he was crying. The poor guy didn't know what he had coming and jumped SO high when they gave him the first shots :( However, he handled it very well.. no extreme fussiness or fever later which was great.)
Then there was me- oh the post pregnancy issues seem to keep coming up for me. At times I have gotten SO frustrated and found myself thinking "really, Lord, really? Is this seriously happening?" And then I'm brought to my knees as I remember the kindness I have been shown by Him over and over again- the fact that we have a healthy baby boy, that I can stay home with him right now during this season of my life and work part time from home at Trinity, the fact that we can look at homes to possibly move into this fall, great friends and fellowship who support us- and the list goes on and on. God is 100% in control and is well aware of what I am going through. My situation does not surprise Him and I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that I can choose to honor and glorify Him through this situation or I can get angry and throw a pity party. I'm so thankful that He gives me strength to get through it. A helpful verse that I saw on a blog and a friend recently sent me in an email is below. I'm so thankful that not only do we have a God who sustains us, but he cares and desires for us to come to him when we are hurting.
We went to Chick Fil A. I forgot how much I love this place- and it was PACKED. |
Jake loves it too- we wanted to treat him right before his shots... |
Smiling for my mom! |
Out to eat in downtown arlington heights! |
haha mid yawn. I would hate it if people took a picture of me mid yawn, but he's just cute all the time to me :) |
Jake looking particularly happy at this time lol |
Dan and Jon |
My parents :) |
My wonderful meal |
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