
We now have a 4 year old

I've been meaning to write this post for about a month now since Jake turned four!  I feel like I say this every year, but four is starting to be one of our favorite ages yet.  Dan and I both agree that it's nice to be out of the constant discipline stage- not that we don't have our moments still, but they are much fewer and far between.  Even though now we have the more difficult things to teach- like character traits such as kindness, humility, putting others above yourself.  I mean, who am I kidding, I'm still working on these haha. 

For Jake's four year photo shoot I was driving around looking for a cute park when I passed this baseball field.  It may have been lunch time and there was no shade, but I thought there wasn't a better place to take photos of him than here.  Because really, that is what four (so far) has been all about for us.  We live, breath, and eat baseball over here.  Every morning we look for a baseball game before any kind of cartoon because that is our first choice.  All day long he has a game playing in his mind- if it's not a real team like the Dodgers verses the Cubs (which he actually is starting to know the teams just by looking at their logo which is crazy to me!) he will make them up like the stripes verses the Monkeys (if I'm wearing a striped shirt and he's wearing a shirt with Curious George on it) haha He actually has gotten so good with hitting that we need to play downstairs or outside because he's starting to knock down picture frames with the ball.  We also introduced Jake to what a replay is so he is constantly saying, "mom, watch this replay!" and proceeding to do a slow motion swing or pitch.  I just love this kid.  And we started T ball and Dan is the head coach, so all day long we talk about how many more days we have left until our next practice or game.  It's cute to see him so excited, even though some days I tell him we need to put down the bat and glove and play something like dinosaurs instead.  I love me some baseball, but even I can need a change haha

Just the other week the big kids in our neighborhood were outside playing in the cul de sac and they motioned for Jake to come play with them.  They were just the sweetest with him, letting him hit home runs and be the catcher.  It was so surreal hearing Dan tell him that when it was time for dinner he needed to come inside.  Thankfully, I could look out our window and watch his every move but Dan and I looked at each other and both agreed that we know there is a day soon coming where he is going to be off playing with friends and I won't be able to look out my window and watch him.  I can't really think about it because it will make me cry lol  

As far as how Jake is with Cole, he is so so good.  Honestly, way better than I could have ever imagined.  He's always giving him hugs and kisses and will tell me that he will watch him if I need to leave the room for a second.  He's constantly telling me how cute he is and how much he loves him- and I am pretty sure that Jake is Cole's favorite person because there is no one who can make him smile like he can!  It's adorable.  I can't wait to see how their relationship grows over the years.  I was a little nervous with them being so far apart in age how that would go, and God is just so sweet to show me that He is bigger than any age gap in siblings.  I know they may not be best friends but I love to see how friendships can look so different and can even happen if you're not a year apart. 

I know I mentioned it in my last blog post, but Jake did his first official church camp, and it was so fun hearing the teacher's feedback about him.  They said he listened so well and was very excited about all the activities they did and he was always very involved.  It definitely goes along with the type A personality that we see here at home :)  He's very good at memorizing Bible verses and is starting to pray which is so cute- and a big deal.  For so long he didn't want to pray - and we didn't push it, so it's fun now to every once in a while hear him say that he wants to.  I can't pray enough for this kiddo to grow a desire and excitement for Jesus even at a young age!

We also have gotten into board games like Candy Land, High Ho Cheerio, 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed (a new one we got from a friend!) which are all my favorite.  But there's no doubt that he still has the biggest imagination and playing pretend is still his favorite.  He will even take the little people from candy land and pretend that the licorice guy is after them and they need to get away and run to the ice cream castle lol  I hear imaginative play is a good thing though so I try not to stifle it even though sometimes all I want to do is play the game by the rules :) :) 

And lastly, Jake is talking non stop.  Even though we will have to go to speech next year to work on a couple sounds, that doesn't stop him from constantly chatting about what he's thinking about like: what is the score of the game he has going on in his mind, if he's upset about something, how he feels about baby Cole, what he dreamt about during his nap, etc.  Which I love :)  It's crazy how so much can change because I remember even two years ago how he wasn't talking very much and how I wished he talked more (because I'm an extrovert haha).  Well, I got my wish haha But in all honesty, I love hearing all the little things that run through his mind on a daily basis.

Whew.  there is so so much more to remember about this stage- but these are the biggest ones :)  We love you so so so so so much Jake!  You remind me of your dad so much and I love that you are his biggest fan!  I can't wait to see what this next year brings and how much you grow and change!