Each month just gets more fun with this kiddo! And I promise you I took these photos when Cole was 7 months- we just got a little behind on the blogging part! Here are some fun highlights from month 7 with Cole :)
- You are starting to scoot... backwards lol So trying to reach anything can be really frustrating! I know you will get there soon though. And I am in no hurry for you to start crawling- so you just sit as long as you would like to!
- This month you have officially entered the "mommy" phase. Dan is thrilled - especially when I have to leave for a photography session lol You definitely know when I am in the room and when I am not holding you. As much as I love the snuggles I do at times get a little tired- your 20 pound "little" body gives me quite the arm workout!
- We have turned a phase with the stroller and now we can go on walks and runs! You still don't fall asleep in the stroller so I have to time it right, but we have been getting outside so much more and we all like it.
- You are seriously a champ with eating. You eat food three times a day and nurse four times a day and are officially starting to munch on some puffs!
- Jake still makes you laugh the most and I think more and more your smile is looking like your dad's.
- You officially slept through the night for the first time a couple weeks ago! Better late than never! A trip to Michigan did throw you off a bit though- but we are getting there :)
- You LOVE your lamb. It is so cute every time I put you down in your crib, you reach for your lamb, lay it across your face, and then start sucking your thumb lol
- The bouncer is one of your favorite toys and you are really starting to jump- we put Jake's trampoline next to you so you guys could jump together for a bit :)
- Your hair continues to grow and most days I don't know what to do with it. I think we've given you your third haircut now? Your mohawk definitely grows faster than the rest of your hair and we still get lots of compliments on it lol
- There really is never a moment when your arms and legs aren't moving. My dad was holding you at a baseball game and thought there was something wrong because your arms and legs were constantly moving and I assured him that is what you do all. day. long. And sure enough you were happy as a clam being held and pumping your arms and legs :)
- You did get another double ear infection- it took two antibiotics to get over it but thankfully the second one did the trick! It was so sad giving you the medicine though because you gagged every time we gave it to you- it must have tasted pretty bad :/
- Jake still says almost every day "I love baby Cole" and "baby Cole is so cute!" I couldn't agree more with your big brother!

Such a blessing! Love you little Cole!!