
Family Pictures

We have been out traveling for the past week and there are so many things / pictures to share!  But first, so I have time to get them all together, I got the rest of the family pictures from my mom this week so I decided to post them!  

This past summer the whole family came together (minus my long lost twin brother, Doug, who lives in California and couldn't find a cheap flight- its ok we will edit him in the ones that we print and put on the wall ;)) and we took some pictures.  Honestly, this photographer did amazing considering what she was working with.  I have done a couple photo shoots for families since I am taking my photography class and let me tell you, taking pictures of kids can be much harder than it looks!  Especially when said child is named Jake and is tired because he didn't get enough sleep the night before.  Friends, there were some rough moments during this photo shoot and I was surprised our photographer got the pictures that she did.  There was no shame in the fact that we were bribing with fruit snacks and at one point I think we were all singing Dinosaur Train to get him to crack just a *little* bit.  Oh, the things you will do to make a toddler smile.  Nonetheless, we survived and now we have some great pictures to share :)