
The Dunk

So have you ever heard that babies naturally hold their breath if you put them under water? 

Well, in Texas we decided to test that theory.

We're pretty sure the claim is true.  Even though Jake doesn't look too happy, he actually didn't even cry- I think he was just in a state of pure shock.  If Dan has anything to do with it, this kid will LOVE the water :)


  1. That's awesome. Great photos too! It's always fun for us to see lil mr jake! We're going to have to try the dunk sometime soon!!!

  2. These pics are great! You guys are so brave! I'd be so scared to do that! But I've heard to get your kid a good swimmer they just 'throw them in the water' when they are a baby! lol I guess it works. Jake did okay!

  3. Haha thanks guys! Yeah a couple people have apparently told us that you are supposed to blow in their face first before you dunk them?! Well.. we didn't do that. He seems ok though :)
