"You cherish these moments because they will be gone before you know it."
I seriously cannot tell you how many times I have been told that. A random grandmother in the grocery store parking lot. In the bathroom at P.F. Changs. Walking on the path around our apartment. I would say it's the number one piece of unsolicited advice I've gotten. And to be honest with you- it can be frustrating for me. Just the other day I was putting away Jake's newborn and 0 to 3 month clothes and as I held them up, I couldn't believe his body was that tiny. How do you cherish these moments when they seem to go by so quickly? How do I truly soak them all in when I feel like there are a million other things that are going on?
The other day it hit me. I need to change my priorities. This week I had to admit to my small group that at times I have let Jake cry for 30 more seconds because I am desperately scrolling through some blogs that I didn't finish checking during his nap. Does this make me an awful mother? I hope not lol But what I was convicted of was my heart in it. At times I have found myself frustrated that he woke up early from a nap and I didn't finish checking the latest fashion trend on Pinterest. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to look back on Jake's early years and wished I spent more time mindlessly searching the internet rather than kissing his chubby cheeks or tickling his little tummy and hearing his first couple giggles.
I have been guilty of doing the same things.. actually he JUST woke up from his nap.. so I better go.
Thanks for posting this!
I have this same guilt all.the.time. I often wish that we lived in a technology-free world where I didn't even have the temptation of being distracted by just "one more minute."