
Bumpo and growing up too fast

"You cherish these moments because they will be gone before you know it."

I seriously cannot tell you how many times I have been told that.  A random grandmother in the grocery store parking lot.  In the bathroom at P.F. Changs.  Walking on the path around our apartment.  I would say it's the number one piece of unsolicited advice I've gotten.  And to be honest with you- it can be frustrating for me.  Just the other day I was putting away Jake's newborn and 0 to 3 month clothes and as I held them up, I couldn't believe his body was that tiny.  How do you cherish these moments when they seem to go by so quickly?  How do I truly soak them all in when I feel like there are a million other things that are going on?

The other day it hit me.  I need to change my priorities. This week I had to admit to my small group that at times I have let Jake cry for 30 more seconds because I am desperately scrolling through some blogs that I didn't finish checking during his nap.  Does this make me an awful mother?  I hope not lol But what I was convicted of was my heart in it. At times I have found myself frustrated that he woke up early from a nap and I didn't finish checking the latest fashion trend on Pinterest.  I'm pretty sure I'm not going to look back on Jake's early years and wished I spent more time mindlessly searching the internet rather than kissing his chubby cheeks or tickling his little tummy and hearing his first couple giggles.    

This week I am re reading the book "Shepherding a Child's Heart" for a Bible study at my church and the timing couldn't be better.  Now that I'm actually a mom I am hoping to read it with a new and different perspective than I did before.  Even today the author talked about being more "excited about this job (parenting) than ever."  And he described a godly family where the kids loved being at home because it was an exciting place to be, and the kids honored their parents and sought out their advice.  Yes this is a true story.  I believe these families can and do exist and Tripp describes how this is worth striving for and vision worthy of sacrifice.  I'm praying for a fresh perspective on my new role that leads to a heart change and a deeper love for our little family.


  1. I have been guilty of doing the same things.. actually he JUST woke up from his nap.. so I better go.

    Thanks for posting this!

  2. I have this same guilt all.the.time. I often wish that we lived in a technology-free world where I didn't even have the temptation of being distracted by just "one more minute."
