

As I warned earlier- Dan and I asked for a lot of books for Christmas!  I read 2 over break (they weren't that long at all) and desperately want to finish my 3rd by the time classes start next Wednesday but I'm not sure if that is going to happen :/  The first one I read was "Humility: True Greatness" by C.J. Mahaney.  My boss first introduced me to Mahaney and actually let me borrow his copy of this book to read a couple years ago, but it was so good I wanted us to have a copy for ourselves :)  It is one of those books that you honestly cannot get enough of- you can read it everyday and feel convicted about something- how appropriate for a book on humility.

Anyway, I could give you a run down of what he talks about, but I'm not a great "book reviewer" so I'll just tell you about some of the points that hit home with me :)
  • Pride: When I aspire to the status/ position of God and refuse to acknowledge dependence on God.  Self glorification.
  • Humility: honestly assessing myself in light of God's holiness and my sinfulness.
  • The cross never flatters us.
  • Where and how is pride expressed in my life?
  • Each day:
    • Begin by acknowledging my dependence on God- not myself.
    • Take notice of all that God is doing in my life.
    • Stop listening to myself and start talking to myself (be aware of my thoughts and attitudes throughout the day)
  • Study the attributes of God.
  • Study the doctrine of grace.
  • Study sin and be aware of its ways.
  • Find evidences of grace in other people.
    • Am I critical of others?
    • It is a joy and privilege to discern grace in others and to draw attention to how God is at work in their life.
  • Ephesians 4:29: Biblical purpose for every conversation we have is for that person to receive grace from us.
    • What do my words reveal about my spirit?
  • Become more focused on God and His purpose and activity than myself.
  • Celebrate godly character more than anything else
How is that for a lot to chew on?  I could seriously write so much more- I actually did, in my journal.  The principles in his book are not ones I want to simply skim over, they are principles I want to put into practice.  Have you ever met someone who is truly humble?  They are at peace, joyful, trusting, and are a true servant.  It is such a beautiful character trait to have.  Why?  Because it resembles Christ.  I would highly recommend reading this book- it's not long but there is a lot of wisdom packed into its few pages!


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