

That is what I have been doing these past few days- living life with barely any breaks.  Well, blogging breaks that is :)

Since we got back from Ohio on Sunday night it has been quite a week- from writing papers and reading for our classes, to Bible studies, to work events, to a full day of class coming up on Saturday, we have been busy and it looks like we won't be slowing down for a little bit.  So, I decided to pop in and say hello real quick with the goal of being back with more substantial updates later. 

For now, I will leave you with some quotes that I have heard from the Elephant Room.  My church hosted this event for the 2nd year and since Dan is in a pastoral leadership training program at Harvest, he had the privilege of watching it all day yesterday.  Although there has been some controversy surrounding the pastors invited, I have heard some very encouraging quotes from the sessions and I wanted to share them. I hope you find them encouraging, too :)

"Inherently the gospel is urgency." - Crawford Loritts

"God doesn't use what we bring to the table, he uses what we surrender to Him." - Crawford Loritts

"As a leader, do I want to make a point or make a difference?" - Andy Stanley (said by Mark Driscoll)

On burnout - "We don't forget that we're pastors, we forget that we're human." Wayne Cordeiro

"We really don't want to pray, we just want the blessings of someone who did. Don't take shortcuts." Wayne Cordeiro
"The devil can't steal my ministry. He has no authority. So he just steals the joy of my ministry." Wayne Cordeiro
"The devil can't push you over the edge, so he will find ways to make you jump." Wayne Cordeiro
"A true preaching of the gospel is giving people a chance to respond, not "getting" people to respond." Crawford Loritts

Happy Thursday :)


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