
A little two year old Birthday surprise....

Jake's birthday is on Monday, but I couldn't resist setting up his birthday present the second it got here last week.  Honestly, I am not sure who was more excited about the gift, him or I.  Ever since I spotted this in the Land of Nod a year ago I have wanted to get it for him, and since we aren't doing a big celebration for Jake's birthday this year like we did last year, we decided to go ahead and splurge on it, hoping he will use it for years to come :)

I wanted to be in the playroom when he came in to get his expression, unfortunately 6:30 in the morning (when Jake woke up!) does not offer the best lighting so I did the best I could then took a couple more pictures later on when it was brighter out. 

Can't wait to show you the 2 year old pictures I took of Jake later this weekend!