{19.8 lbs 29.75 inches}
My computer is back! And the pictures were saved! So many things to be thankful for. So I thought we would celebrate by writing a 9 month post. Since Jake is already 10 months.
However, before I move onto the updates I have to note that today is Good Friday. Jake woke up with a really bad cough and cold and sadly I don't think we'll be able to go to the Good Friday service. I have so appreciated having this day off at Trinity the past 4 years to contemplate the death of Christ so I can really appreciate the fact that our Savior has risen on Easter this upcoming Sunday. Since the wages of sin is death, Christ was the only one who could pay for our debt because He could defeat death- something no human can do. Giving us a restored relationship with God and a place in heaven. It seriously blows my mind. And how thankful I am that He did that because having a relationship with Him is the best thing that ever happened in my life. I pray that today you have some time to contemplate what Christ's death means for you- I personally love Isaiah 53.
All right. Onto the things that our crazy kid has been doing this past month :)
- You have 6 teeth! They seriously all appeared in a week. And your two front teeth have a huge space in between them. Thankfully you can pull it off well in your young age :)
- For officially the past two months you have been sleeping through the night and on a consistent twice a day nap schedule. You have no idea how happy this makes me :)
- You got your first fever last week and it made me so sad :(
- You are becoming much more expressive- not sure if that's even possible. You've learned what it means to clench your fist and you make the craziest face every time you do it. We have it on video.. I hope that we can get a really good picture of it on our camera soon!
- Everything gets dropped on the floor. Food. Toys. Phones. What's the best is watching you flinch before you drop something on the floor that is heavy and you know will make a loud sound.
- You love it when I chase after you. Mom has decided that is her workout plan for the time being.. at least until it's warm out.
- You now know how to drink out of a straw- I found that out when you drank half of my jamba juice smoothie.
- We can see your personality definitely coming out- while you know how to do certain things (drinking from your sippy cup, high fives, waves) it totally depends on your mood as to if you will do those actual things. Oh the moods a 9 month year old can get in :)
- We like to babble back and forth and it's so cute. I'm starting you on intelligent conversation early.
- You are into pointing at things. I think it's because I'm constantly pointing at things and telling you what they are!
- You officially understand the word "no." Whether you choose to listen is another story :) And there is usually crying that ensues when we tell you "No" to the following items: grabbing our cups. reaching for the coasters, climbing up on our unsteady bookshelf, reaching for Dad's (or my!) computer, and grabbing at cords.
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This is part of that crazy face we were telling you about. |
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Jake came about an inch away from the lense and just stared into it like he was trying to see something lol |
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