I didn't realize it, but I liked walking into my weekly meetings with my boss and reporting all I had gotten done that week. I went through my list explaining the projects I was working on, what I was accomplishing, and what I still needed to do. Now, there isn't anyone I report to. I don't write down the amount of diapers I changed or dishes washed or hours I held Jake because he was fussy and didn't want to play by himself. No one pats me on the back or cheers me on when I've spent what seems like half an hour struggling to get Jake dressed as he's squirming and crying and desperately trying to crawl away.

And really.. if I was truly finding my identity in Christ everyday I wouldn't feel this desire to tell people what I'm doing. I wouldn't need recognition from man for the work I do. This recent desire to want to tell people (anyone for that matter) what I've accomplished has revealed some heart issues going on.
Reading in Exodus 25 God gives a looooong description of the tabernacle. It's not just long but it is very precise and detailed. God has a very specific way that he wants his tabernacle created. There's a reason he didn't just say "Throw some straw together and there I will dwell." He laid out a very particular set of rules of how to build His tabernacle.

In Matthew 25 God is inviting his people to enter heaven and praises them saying when he was hungry they fed him and when he was homeless they gave him a place to stay. Confused they asked when they did this- not remembering actually interacting with the God of the universe on earth. God clarified saying that when you clothed the least of these, you clothed me.

God sees. He takes notice of what we do. He notices every diaper changed, meal cooked, floor swept, time we wake up early to be in the Word. He sees. God is a God of details.
This has been so comforting for me. Although Jake (understandably) doesn't realize how I'm helping him, God does. And he cares about the details. He notices the little things I do and really in the end, that is what matters. I don't need to keep a check list of what I'm doing during the day to rattle off to Dan or my girlfriends or my family because it's already been taken note of by the God of the universe. That's way better anyway, right? It's a great truth to be grasping :)
Bah! I SO needed this. Ever since I became a mom.. I've been searching for recognition from my husband. Constantly telling him all that I do and how hard I work. Honestly, it's frustrating and exhausting trying to find my worth in man.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this.
You are so sweet! I'm so thankful what God is teaching me can be an encouragement to you! Ps: it was so great to see your updates today!