{Don't have stats because his next appt is 8 months :)}
This month has been nuts. We have dragged this poor boy all over the United States [literally] and he still loves us and gets excited to see us. Jake just doesn't know any better. And he's actually adjusted back to "normal" life here in Chicago pretty well. This month has come with SO many big milestones. It has been such a joy to watch him grow and discover new things about the world around him. Here are some highlights:- You learned how to crawl! ... this happened the day we spent a total of 6 hours on a plane. Thankfully, you were a rockstar and did great. We had some minor crying moments (to be expected) but I think your little smile won you some brownie points with the people around us. And did I mention we had an open seat? Seriously, God is good. I almost sang the Hallelujah chorus out loud when they closed the plane doors and that seat was empty next to us.
- With that being said- you made your first trip to California! We saw the Golden Gate bridge, San Francisco, and your Uncle Doug's home town of Mountain View. So fun :)
- You climb on everything. Your crib. Our coffee table. Your jumper. {trying} to climb the stairs. The toilet {don't worry.. I keep it clean ha- until we have those gates you will hang out with me in the bathroom while I get ready in the morning :)}
- Your favorite thing to do in the kitchen is grab onto my legs and pull yourself up and just hang out there while I cook. So stinkin' cute. Until I have to move...
- You have a tooth! And I am pretty sure you have another one coming. You were a little behind the eight ball on this one, but that's ok :) I'll hold off on dealing with teething as long as we can!
- You are babbling way more. It sounds like you are constantly saying "ba ba ba ba"
- The second you wake up from your nap you are pulling yourself up and it's so cute to see your little head peering over the top of your crib when I come in your room. The problem comes when you panic because you've realized you can't get yourself down. We're working on that :)
- I love it when you stare at your hand and move it around like you just realized that it's attached to your body. Oh to see the world through the eyes of a child :) so precious.
- Your smile is getting bigger and squintier- you can thank your father for that one.
- You take "big boy baths" and sit up all by yourself. We are just trying to teach you that we don't crawl in the bath tub...
- You eat meat now.. it's kind of gross but you like it so that's all that matters, right?
- Puffs. These are a big deal. You love puffs and can actually pick them up and put them in your mouth! Oh the things that impress us as parents.
- You HATE it when ayone tries to wipe off your nose. Those 2 weeks of a runny nose were brutal.
- This month has brought a new level of fussiness when getting your diaper changed or your clothes changed. Trying to have you lay down for more than 5 seconds is almost impossible! Constantly. on. the. move.
- Your favorite time of the day is hands down when dad comes home- you get SO excited!
- Your big belly laugh when dad tickles you is the best.
- You still have about a 1,000 different facial expressions. We love every one.
- There is this look of panic that comes across your face when you - for a moment - lose your grip on the coffee table and wobble around for a second. Then you re grip, look at me, and start to cry. I love it that you are ok, but the fear that you could have potentially fallen is what scares you and makes you cry. So cute :)

Look at that look of determination..
Oh the joy you bring to our lives Jacob Lawrence :) We thank God daily for you.
"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." Matthew 18:10
I think he is starting to look more like Dan, which I am sure is no surprise to Dan :)
ReplyDeleteYou write this beautifully. I bet he'll love reading it when he grows up and it will remind him how much his parents adore him!
ReplyDeleteYou write this beautifully. I bet he'll love reading it when he grows up and it will remind him how much his parents adore him!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much guys!! Yes- some day I hope he reads these updates! And Jess- I think he's looking more like Dan, too :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for updates. Jake you are so darn cute !!! Can't wait to hug and kiss you. Love you so much,
DeleteGrammy Beattie