
House Tour

House hunting was a sanctification process for me.  Literally.  God showed me a lot about my heart through looking for a home.  For so long I kept thinking "If only we lived in Ohio we could get this kind of a house.. if only we lived somewhere else our money would go further.. if only we moved here we could have a front porch.  If only we didn't have so many student loans to pay back we could afford a bigger home."  Yeah. With thoughts like that it makes it pretty hard to find a home that I would be happy with.
Then there was this still small voice that reminded me of how blessed I was. (insert here an "amen" for the Holy Spirit that convicts me of my selfish attitudes.)  I was reminded how living in the suburbs of Chicago is a blessing compared to living in a third world country.  I was also reminded of how thankful I should be that Dan has a job that allows us to live comfortably in this area.  That I am able to stay at home with our little boy.  I was convicted of my pride.  How I wanted a home that looked a certain way and was a certain size- not a split level or raised ranch or a home that was built in the 70's (like every home here in this area).  I felt that we deserved a better home at the age of 27.  ugh. Aren't these ugly thoughts?  Tell me about it.  I honestly am disgusted just thinking about them.  Praise God He shows us our sin and reminds us that we're not defined by the type, size, or look of our home. 
With all of that being said, here are pictures of our home that we are so blessed by.  After repenting of those thoughts I was able to proceed with the home buying process with a new outlook.  We looked at a lot of homes and when we walked into this one I honestly just felt like this was it.  This one is completely move in ready.  Sure if we want to change the paint colors and light fixtures we can, but there is nothing that absolutely needed to be done before we moved in.  I'm excited to slowly show you pictures of the changes we are making.  We already painted the entryway but still have some other things we want to add to it.  I'm looking forward to tackling these small projects and making it feel like our home. We'll keep you updated!
The front.  If it looks like that paneling on the bottom left appears to be a garage you're right- it used to be the garage and they changed it into a laundry room/ work room.

Right when you walk in our front door this is the entryway to the left and the first room to the right.

Stairs leading to the first level.

Wow these are really out of order.. sorry!  This is our bedroom!

Two walk in closets.. yay!

Jakes room!  Thankfully twin boys shared this room before we moved in!

Still have some furniture to add...

Guest room.

Our full bath.


Back to the first level.. that blue room when you first walk in the front door.  Needs some furniture still!

Our second floor family room.

Dining Room.

Laundry room. I'm excited to really try to transform this area!

Work room.

Back yard!


  1. I've been waiting entirely too long for these! Your home is adorable--the perfect combination of "character" and "modern convenience". I love, love, love older homes and plan to convince Tom to move into one with me next!
