

What started out as a really great weekend ended abruptly on Saturday night.  Dan and I definitely did not enjoy the extra night of sleep because I was up at least 5 times coughing, blowing my nose, or going to the bathroom because I was trying to stay hydrated. bleh.  The cold that has claimed so many of my friends and co workers has reached me.  Thankfully, Dan is wonderful and patient because I'm a total baby when I'm sick.

So, instead of studying for the midterm that I am taking today, the day was spent sleeping, taking medicine, watching T.V., and updating my Pinterest account that I started a while ago but have yet to do anything with.

So if you think of it- say a little prayer for me sometime today? It's going to be a rough day :/  Thankfully I have been studying all last week... so I'm not totally ill prepared.  We'll see what happens :)

Oh, and it's my Birthday, my Twin Brother, Doug's birthday, and Pap, my grandfather's birthday today! At least I get the day off work :)


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